Let's Cut the Bull.
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Most cost effective surgical devices and options for Plastic Surgery Both In-Office & in the Operating Room.
Positioning for Prostatectomy, Disposables for TURP and TURBT, Laser Fibers, What works? What is costing way too much?
Please help us learn which disposables are cost effective. Are there others out there that may be the same high quality?
Orthopedic Cost Saving Solutions and Products. What is working for you?
The Do's and Don'ts! The needs and nice to have, What have we learned? How have we changed? Why?
2Positioning Devices
How do you position for steep trendelenberg? Has anyone found a way to handle large bmi for robotics and colorectal?
Tell us about your Gynecologic tips and tricks, positioning, devices? What is working? How can we be more efficient?
3Vaginal Rejuvenation
Experience with Vaginal Rejuvenatiion or other In-office Procedures? Rental Providers you can Refer?
How do you keep track of your Aprons? Have you Standardized?
1Vendor Credentialing
What Services do you use? In office, at hospital, surgery center, why?
1General Surgery
Closure devices, Energy, Reusable, Disposable, Endoscopes, Mesh, Where should we begin? Speak your mind?
1Spine & Neuro Stimulation
Spine Equipment, Implementing Robotics, Neuro Stimulation, ASC vs OR what do we need?
0Infection Prevention
What ways are your facilities combating HIA's, what is working best and in your opion the most cost affective?
1Cardiac & EP
What's new in Cardiac? What new tools are out there for the Convergent Procedure?